1 Samuel 29 – Feeling Rejected?

1 Samuel 29 – Feeling Rejected?

As we look at David’s situation in Chapter 29 of 1 Samuel, we can’t help but conclude that he must be feeling rejected. Not only has he been spurned by Saul and his own countrymen, even the Philistines he has taken up with are now ready to cast him off from their midst. He has to be asking himself at this point, “Does anyone care about me or my plight? Does God even care?”

How about you? Ever feel rejected. I bet Tim Tebow does. I’ve watched this year as NFL team after NFL team, when a quarterback position has opened up, has rejected him as a possible replacement, even though in his only year as a starter he led his team to the second round of the playoffs. How does Tim Tebow handle rejection? He responds with kind words and a smile. That’s the way all Christians should handle rejection. Because as Christians we should all know that our rejection is never permanent, and that even though we may be rejected by certain elements of our society, we are never rejected by God! And we know that God’s plans for our lives are always good and they will come to pass!!!
