My First Time Here

My First Time Here

We are currently having in person service along with livestreaming. We are following social distancing and mask guidelines issued by the state of Louisiana.

Visiting a new church can be an awkward, intimidating experience. But it doesn’t have to be. Having an idea of what to expect and who we are can help. So here are some answers to a few questions you may have.

Where do I park and where do I go when I get there?
Park in our main lot which has the electronic sign. It is accessible off of Eastland Drive. You can get to Eastland Drive from Camellia Boulevard or from Rena Drive just off of Johnston Street. Enter the building at the covered area and walk all the way down the long hall. It’s a bit of a walk, but it’s air conditioned in the summer and heated in the winter.

What should I wear?
If you’re comfortable dressing up for church, go for it. If not, you’ll find many of us dressed in casual attire, like a polo shirt and jeans. We don’t have a dress code. Come as you are and worship the King with us.

Can I attend if I’m ________?
Fill in the blank with whatever fear you have about not being acceptedAt CCL, we believe that the only true basis of Christian fellowship is His (agape) love, which is greater than any differences we possess. Whether you’re divorced, a single parent, broke, a recovering addict, or facing some other challenge, we want you to know that you’re just like the rest of us. You’re a person God calls “Beloved,” because He died to wash each of us clean and make us new. Come and feel the acceptance, as we celebrate the truth together that “He who has been forgiven much loves much.”

What do I do with my kids?
We have a children’s program which focuses on teaching God’s Word from the Bible at a level of understanding appropriate for each age group. During worship, children 3 to 12 years old worship with the adults in the sanctuary. After worship, we have a time of greeting. During this time, the children go to their age appropriate class. Infants through 2 years can be brought to the Little Lambs nursery 10 minutes before worship starts.

The three age groups are:
Little Lambs – Infants through 2 years
Bible Discoverers – 3 years through 7 years
Bible Learners– 8 years through 12 years
Just ask an usher, or anyone you happen to pass, and you will be directed to the right place.

If you have more questions, just fill out the contact form below. Someone will be happy to answer your questions.